lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Xochicalco, a náhuatl word, meaning "in the house of flowers". It was a Mesoamerica important urban center from 700 to 900 A.C. (rigth between the falling of Teotihuacan abd the rise of Tula).

You can deduce that its extension was bigger than it actually is, and perhaps many ruins are yet to be disturbed. However, we can conclude that it is very important ceremonial center, unique in the world.

It was declared Patrimony of the Humanity in 1999 by UNESCO, and earned the prize for the best Cultural Product in "Touristic Fair at Acapulco 2008.

Xochicalco is the fourth most visited archaeological zone in the whole country and is the most innovative show now, giving a great enhancement to this archaeological zone. this is a great show that everybody must experience.

You can appreciate the light show in the archaeological site every Friday and Saturday starting in October and ending in May. The show consists of a nocturnal tour in the museum, and ilumination of the archaeological zone. Besides, it includes the projection of images on a water screen.

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